Day 43 Move….. Donkey Whips

Donkey Whips are a great movement that work the whole body. You will use your core muscles, shoulders, arms, glutes and legs.


  • Begin in the tabletop position- on your hands and knees with your shoulders above your hands and your knees directly below your hips.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together gently to activate your shoulders and spine
  • Squeeze your glute muscles and engage your abdominals by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Focus on keeping this position.
  • Lift your right leg back and up using your glutes and abs until it is parallel with the floor. Open your hips up and slightly shift your bodyweight to the left while gently taking your leg out to the side to 90degrees.
  • Return to the tabletop position and then extend your left leg behind you until it is parallel with the floor. Open your hips up and slightly shift your bodyweight to the right while lightly swinging your leg out to the side at a perpendicular angle.
  • Keeps your shoulders and hips level and your spine straight at all times.


  • Keep your knee bent when taking it out to the side, the lower the leg and the greater the bend, the easier this movement will be.


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